
The Perl Foundation Grant on improving and curating Perl 6 documentation.

Build Status

This is the site for the TPF Grant devoted mainly to work on the Perl 6 documentation.

Check out the published version at

Grant reports.

List of issues closed during the grant

* Author and file entropy in the Perl 6 documentation repository, on how files evolve and get a structure in a volunteer environment.

* Perl 6 documentation repository through time: dealing with issues, on how issues are treated and change through time.

* Perl 6 documentation repository through time: contributions through commits examines the commit timeline and tries to find out some patterns, and generate some advice on how to improve the productivity.

* Perl 6 documentation repository through time: An initial report, an initial report on the state of the repository roughly before the beginning of the grant.

Other reports and articles.

Some articles published in different platforms

* We need your help with the Perl 6 documentation in The Practical Dev

* Squashing Perl 6 documentation bugs, one at a time

* StackOverflow that, on encouraging the Perl 6 community to ask questions there. And answer them.

Some (maybe not so) interesting charts

* Issues per month, along with monthly entropy.

* Leaderboard of number of lines contributed to Perl 6 documentation, by June 2nd 2018

Scripts and data

You can find the scripts in Perl 6 and R in the utils directory. Data generated, which you can use freely (citing the origin), are in the data directory. All images used in the reports, and some more (which should hopefully be self-explanatory) are in the illos directory.