Open Science/Free software

JJ Merelo, @jjmerelo

S3 Prague

Find fame and glory through software and science freedom

Free your software

Open your source

Upload to GitHub

Release early

Release often

Use an open LICENSE

Science goes further than papers

Release your data

Make your science reproductible

Free your configuration data

... and experimental data

Use open data licenses

Upload them too to Figshare/Researchgate

Open your content

Use open repositories

Publish openly

Whenever possible

Open your science

Using open workflows

Use Milestones and issues

Milestones: dated, like "ZYX Conference"

Issues: tasks within a milestone.


Assign tasks from the beginning

Work always organized in tasks

Commits always mention a task

git commit -am "Reviews abstract refs #2"

Every issue gets an assignee

You can mention someone using @

Tag issues if convenient

Blocker, Errors, improvements, revision...

Issues (and commits) use markdown

Use it to link files, or to reference a paper

Create markdown with your favorite editor

Or with R Studio

Always close issues from a commit

Finishes task:

git commit -am "Intro revised closes #3"

Open science needs to be open

Open to collaboration

  1. Beginner issues
  3. Link to social networks/Telegram group

Pull request: requesting a merge

For those without write permission

Managing pull requests

Best with a template

Always answer

Review and suggest changes

FigShare for publishing (almost) everything

Figures + data + code + reports

DOI on demand

Connected with Altmetrics

Evaluating work beyond simple citations

Reads, downloads...


En este enlace

Licencia CC-BY

Researchgate is a good alternative

And is indexed by Google Scholar

Best practices

Keep files together

Conventional folder names data, script, report o paper

Use comments for code and data

Publish everything

Rejected paper

Additional information requested by reviewer

Tests to establish good configuration

Report for unpublished paper

Enjoy S3

May it be inspiring and educative