Let me tell you about Raku

@jjmerelo | git.io/raku-fosdem20


Previously known as

Perl 6

Long story short

It's a different language

But still



Let me tell you about Raku

But previously

What do many cool emerging languages do?




It's all Greek to me

function isελληνικά(input) {
  const rελληνικά = /^\p{Script=Greek}$/u
  return rελληνικά.test(input)


+ Immutability

Warning: your loops are deprecated

(def elipsis (fn [n] (print "... ", n ) ))

(defn to-zero [n]
  (if (> n 0)
      (elipsis [n])
      (to-zero (dec n))

(to-zero 3)

Postmodern assignment:

Destructuring arguments

Gradual typing

Kotlin and Derrida

data class Result (val result: Int, val treasure: Boolean)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
        val search =  fun(attempt: Int): Result
                val things = listOf( 3, 33, 333, 42, 1, 1, 111 )
                if ( attempt == 4  ) {
                        return Result( 42, true )
                } else {
                        return Result( things[attempt], false )
        val (value1, prize1) = search( 2 )
        println( "2 returns " + value1 + prize( prize1 )  )
        val (value2, prize2) = search( 4 )
        println( "4 returns " + value2 + prize( prize2 )  )

Pattern matching for complex decisions

Avoiding if cascades

Scala-ing comparison

val points = (card: String) => {
  card match {
    case "Ace" => 11
    case "3"  => 10
    case "J"  => 2
    case "Q"  => 3
    case "K"  => 4
    case  _   => 0

println("Ace ", points("Ace"))
println("7 ", points("7"))

Multiple dispatch

High performance implementation at your service

Suit up with Julia

@enum Suit ♣ ♦ ♥ ♠
@enum Palo Bastos Espadas Oros Copas

toString( n::Int, s::Suit ) = string( n, " ", s )
toString( n::Int, p::Palo ) = string( n, " de ", p )

println( toString( 3, ♦) )
println( toString( 7, Bastos ) ) 

Sloths will inherit the earth

Lazy evaluation FTW

Great for propagating: cascading

Lazy and cascaded in F#

let horadam =
    (0.0f, 1.0f) 
    |> Seq.unfold (fun (x, y) -> let z = 0.25f*x + 0.75f*y in Some(z, (y, z))) 
    |> Seq.append [0.0f; 1.0f]

let seq_15 = horadam |> Seq.take 15
printfn "First 15 %A" seq_15

Inheriting << composing

Traits, mixins and roles

Safe Rust-y traits

struct Card { value: String, suit: &'static str }

trait Lookup {
    fn lookup(self ) -> String;

impl Lookup for Card  {
    fn lookup(self ) -> String {
        self.value + " of " + self.suit

fn main() {
    let ace_of_clubs = Card { value: "Ace".to_string(),
                               suit: "♣"
    println!( "Card → {}", ace_of_clubs.lookup() );


Raku: Everything and the kitchen sink

Took me a while

Syntax is tricky

And there's a new Emacs mode to install

But I knew the concepts

Because I code in Raku

JJ Merelo

@jjmerelo github.com/JJ

multi sub collatz( 1 ) { return [1] }
multi sub collatz( Int $a where $a %% 2 ) { return collatz( ($a/2).Int ).prepend( $a )}
multi sub collatz( $a where not $a %% 2 ) { return collatz( $a*3 + 1 ).prepend($a)}

my @collatz = lazy gather for ١..١٠٠٠ { take collatz( $_ ); }

1..100 ==> map( { @collatz[ $_ ] }) ==> grep( *.elems > 15 ) ==> my @long-chains;

sub prefix:<⇈> ( $𝒾 ) {
    given @collatz[ $𝒾 ].elems {
        when $_ > 15 { return @collatz[ $𝒾 ] but "15-Collatz", @collatz[ $𝒾 ].elems }
        default  { @collatz[ $𝒾 ], @collatz[ $𝒾 ].elems }

for ^10 -> $þ {
    my ($seq, $elems) = ⇈$þ;
    say "Sequence with $þ ", $seq.?Str eq "Collatz" ?? " is " !! " is not " , "15-Collatz";

Learn Raku to learn every single language

Or at least the cool ones.

