Concurrent evolutionary algorithms:

⚡ paradigm

JJ Merelo, @jjmerelo University of Granada (Spain)

Muisca raft Legend of El Dorado Offerings of gold.jpg
By Andrew Bertram - World66, CC BY-SA 1.0, Link

共に: concurrency: flowing together

Sequential processes communicate

Process writes to/read from channels

But they don't share state

Stateless⇒ 1 to 1 mapping input/output

For all functions.

State is processed, not mutated

Stateless diagram, adapted from

Split code from data

Decouples state and computation

Processing in streams

You can always go stateless

Put all state into arguments

That's almost never practical

Or efficient

And functionally equivalent to stateful

Change the paradigm

to go stateless

Evolutionary algorithms in Perl six

Perl 6 is a concurrent


JIT-compiled language


Evolutionary algorithms evolve codified solutions

sub random-chromosome( UInt $length --> List(Seq) )
  is export {
    return Bool.pick() xx $length;

... in populations ...

sub initialize( UInt :$size,
		UInt :$genome-length --> Array ) is export {
    my @initial-population;
    for 1..$size -> $p {
	  random-chromosome( $genome-length );
    return @initial-population;

... through evaluation...

multi sub evaluate( :@population,
	            :$evaluator --> Mix ) is export {
    my MixHash $pop-bag;
    for @population -> $p {
	if  ! %fitness-of{$p}.defined {
	    %fitness-of{$p} = $evaluator( $p );
	$pop-bag{$p} = %fitness-of{$p};
    return $pop-bag.Mix;

... to select the best

  sub get-pool-roulette-wheel( Mix $population,
			     UInt $need = $population.elems ) is export {
    return $population.roll: $need;

... and interchange bits ...

    my $length = @chromosome1.elems;
    my $xover1 = (^($length-2)).pick;
    my $xover2 = ($xover1^..^$length).pick;
    my @x-chromosome = @chromosome2;
    my @þone = $xover1..$xover2; # crosover zone
    @chromosome2[@þone] = @chromosome1[@þone];
    @chromosome1[@þone] = @x-chromosome[@þone];
    return [@chromosome1,@chromosome2];

... which mutate ...

sub mutation ( @chromosome is copy --> List ) is export {
    my $pick = (^@chromosome.elems).pick;
    @chromosome[ $pick ] = !@chromosome[ $pick ];
    return @chromosome;

Repeat until solution is found

Evolutionary algorithms are not stateless

Generation-level functions.

Selection takes 1 population ⇒ produces 1

Bigger problem

Mixing populations

Let's de-state-ify evolutionary algorithms

How do we do that

With Perl 6?

Perl 6 offers channel based concurrency

my Channel $c .= new;
my Channel $c2 = $c.Supply.batch( elems => 2).Channel;
my Channel $output .= new;
my $count = 0;
$c.send(1) for ^2;
my $more-work = start react whenever $c2 -> @item {
    if ( $count++ < 32 ) {
        $c.send( @item[1]);
	my $sum = sum @item;
	$c.send( $sum );
	$output.send( $sum ); 
    } else {
await $more-work; 

Challenge: design a stateless EA with channels

Connecting to channel evaluation

 my @evaluation = ( start react whenever $raw -> $one {
	my $with-fitness = $one => max-ones($one);
	$output.send( $with-fitness );
	$evaluated.send( $with-fitness); # Check for solution and stuff
    } ) for ^$threads;

Channel reproduction, broadcasting from...

    my $selection = ( start react whenever $channel-three -> @tournament {
	my @ranked = @tournament.sort( { .values } ).reverse;
	$evaluated.send( $_ ) for @ranked[0..1];
	my @crossed = crossover(@ranked[0].key,@ranked[1].key);
	$raw.send( $_.list ) for { mutation($^þ)};
    } ) for ^($threads/2);

Start here

Go stateless

Go parallel

Other levels are possible

my $single = ( start react whenever $channel-one -> $crew {
	# Get values  and ...
	while $count++ < $generations && best-fitness($population) < $length {
	    LAST {
		if best-fitness($population) >= $length {
		} else {
		    $to-mix.send( $population );
            # Forward one generation
    } ) for ^$threads; 

Go concurrent

Diversity is good

my $pairs = start react whenever $mixer -> @pair {
      $to-mix.send( @pair.pick ); # To avoid getting it hanged up
      $channel-one.send(mix( @pair[0], @pair[1], $population-size ));


change the paradigm for concurrent algorithms

There is more than one way to do it

Start with functional equivalence

Add communication

New version > original

Interaction concurrency ⬄ EA

Change brings success

And beauty
