โœŽ Doccing Raku๐Ÿ–Š

@jjmerelo, github.com/JJ

Raku Doccer in (Mis)Chief

Writer of Important Things

โ‡’ You work out the acronym


3 parts

Doc project

Doc all things

1 || 2 futures

Documentation is important

HOW do you do it? ๐Ÿค”

=begin pod :kind("Type") :subkind("class") :category("exception")

=TITLE class Failure

=SUBTITLE Delayed exception

    class Failure is Nil { }

A C<Failure> is a I<soft> or I<unthrown> L<Exception|/type/Exception>,
usually generated by calling C<&fail>. It acts as a wrapper around an
L<Exception|/type/Exception> object.

=for comment
A lot of more stuff here

=end pod





We need Documentable

#| Everything documented inherits from this class
class Documentable {

    has Str  $.name;
    has      $.pod  is required("Needs an actual document");
    has Kind $.kind is required("Is essential metadata");
    has      @.subkinds   = [];
    has      @.categories = [];

๐Ÿ•ฎ Literary programming ๐Ÿ•ฎ

Documentation is precompiled

Work by Antonio Gรกmiz based on Richard Heinsworth's Pod::To::Cached

Register everything

        my $registry = Documentable::Registry.new(
            :dirs( $doc-dirs ),

Use the cache, Luke

    if ( $!use-cache ) {
        $!pod-cache = init-cache( $!topdir, $!verbose);
        say "Updating cache";

Parse, index, repeat

Generate HTML

my %pod-to-render = Documentable::DocPage::Secondary.new.render($!registry, $name, $kind);
        my Str $html = $!wrapper.render( %pod-to-render,
        return %(
            document => $html,
            url      => %pod-to-render


Ship it

rsync -avu -e .

With thanks to Roman Baumer and the Atikon people providing this infra

HOW do you write it? ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

Find out about it

Parse ChangeLogs

 use LWP::Simple;
my $release = @*ARGS[0] // "2019.03";
my $document = LWP::Simple.get("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rakudo/rakudo/master/docs/announce/$release.md");
my @parts = $document.split("\n  +");
my $additions-removals = @parts[1,2,3].map: "\n# " ~ * ;
$additions-removals ~~  s:g/\s\s\s\+\s/* [ ] /;
$additions-removals ~~
    s:g[ \[(<alnum>+)\] ] =
    print $additions-removals;

Use the source and context

(mostly) NQP code for something

Blame helps with context

With helpful commit messages

Spec โ‰  Rakudo โ‰  Implementation

# https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2568
    is-deeply 3 ~ ( 5 | "18" ), any("35","318"),
      "does a junction survive ~ Junction";
    is-deeply ( 5 | "18" ) ~ 3, any("53","183"),
      "does a junction survive Junction ~";
    is-deeply ( 5 | "18" ) ~ ( 3 | 6), any("53","56","183",186),
      "does a junction survive Junction ~ Junction";

Understand what it does

Produce examples

Go viral

my &fail-routine = &fail;
unless &fail-routine.is-implementation-detail {
    say "&fail is not an implementation detail, can expect backward compatibility";
sub PRIVATE-CALCULATION is implementation-detail {
	#`(Not safe to rely on this)
if &PRIVATE-CALCULATION.is-implementation-detail {
        say "You better not to rely on &PRIVATE-CALCULATION unless you really know what you are doing";

100k lines of documentation

13.5K commits

262 contributors (37 last 12 mo)

Looking at the future

More automation

Save boilerplate writing.

The Great Unification of Docs

That's gonna be GUD

Streamline release/deployment

Raku is an amazing language

Documentation needs to be amazing too