=begin pod
This ordinary paragraph introduces a code block:
$this = 1 * code('block');
=end pod
=head3 X<C<string literal>>
C<'scores.txt'> is a I&t;string literal>.
=begin code :preamble<my $file>
my @names = $file.get.words;
=end code
=begin pod
This is I<apocrypha>
=head1 Lesson 1
Doc is code
=end pod
say $=pod[0].perl;
Pod::Block::Named.new(name => "pod", config => {}, contents => [Pod::Block::Para.new(config => {}, contents => ["This is ", Pod::FormattingCode.new(type => "I", meta => [], config => {}, contents => ["apocrypha"])]), Pod::Heading.new(level => 1, config => {}, contents => [Pod::Block::Para.new(config => {}, contents => ["Lesson 1"])]), Pod::Block::Para.new(config => {}, contents => ["Doc is code"])])
If we mix a certain amount of wine with a certain amount of water, we call the mixure wine, since we're taking the part for the whole; but if the mixture is spoiled, we don't say: the mixture is spoiled, but the wine has gone sour
Picture: M.Strīķis [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
... if we believe they tend to come apart, let's not close our eyes to reality, or swim against the current.
Autor: Manuel Compañy – (1903-12-05). "Actualidades". Blanco y Negro (657). ISSN 0006-4572., Volné dílo, Odkaz
evolved organicallyperl6/doc
- at least one function (disambiguation) which take a long time to complete, but whose purpose no one quite remembers, and yet because there are few tests, no one wants to remove.
Richard Hainsworth in pod-cached/design_proposal.md
my Pod::To::Cached $cache .= new(:source<../pods>);
for $cache.hash-files.kv -> $source-name, $status {
say "$source-name is $status";
say $cache.pod($source-name);
registry my $registry = Perl6::Documentable::Registry.new( :$cache, :$topdir,
:dirs(["Language", "Type", "Programs", "Native"]), :verbose($v)
# Perl6::Documentable::Registry BUILD →
$!pod-cache = Pod::To::Cached.new( source => $!topdir, :$!verbose,
path => "." ~ $!topdir );
sub process-type-pod-files(IO::Path @files,
--> Array[Perl6::Documentable]
) is export {
my Perl6::Documentable @results;
for @files.list -> $f {
my $documentable = Perl6::Documentable::File.new(
dir => "Type", filename => $f.basename.Str,
tg => Perl6::TypeGraph.new-from-file,
pod => load($f).first );
Pod::To::Cached ≜ Perl6::Documentable ≜ P6doc
=begin pod :kind("Type") :subkind("class") :category("generic")
=TITLE class Foo
=SUBTITLE Generic class
class Foo {}
Foo is the class you use when you are talking about a generic class.
=for code
my Foo $foo .=new
=end pod
use Perl6::Documentable::Registry;
my $top-dir = "resources/pods/";
my $registry = Perl6::Documentable::Registry.new(
topdir => $top-dir, # doc containing the pod collection
dirs => ["Type", "Language"], # dirs to process
verbose => True,
use-cache => True # recommended
say $registry.lookup("Type",:by<kind>);