I learned while working in
the Perl 6 documentation
you can learn while working in
the Perl 6 documentation tooroast
Writing good documentation is difficult and keeping it current is time consuming, but it helps get and keep users even if library support, performance, platform support, and community size all need improvement.
grammar HasOur {
token TOP {
:our $our = 'þor';
$our \s+ is \s+ mighty
say HasOur.parse('þor is mighty');
say $HasOur::our;
my $fixer = Proc::Async.new('awk',
'BEGIN {print "!"} {print "^" gsub(/[\\:]/,"",$0)}',
eager?my @lazy-array = lazy 1, 11, 121 ... 10**100;
say @lazy-array.is-lazy; # OUTPUT: «True»
say @lazy-array[]; # OUTPUT: «[...]»
my @no-longer-lazy = eager @lazy-array; # Forcing eager evaluation
say @no-longer-lazy.is-lazy; # OUTPUT: «False»
say @no-longer-lazy[];
「Diligence」git whatchanged --author="[Mm]erelo" --diff-filter=A \
--no-commit-id --name-only | wc
30 30 720
my \U = 'a'..'z'.Set;
sub postfix:<⁻>(Set $a) { U ⊖ $a }
my @sets;
@sets.push: Set.new( @alphabet.pick( @alphabet.elems.rand))
for @alphabet;
my ($de-Morgan1,$de-Morgan2) = (True,True);
for @sets X @sets -> (\A, \B){
$de-Morgan1 &&= (A ∪ B)⁻ === A⁻ ∩ B⁻;
$de-Morgan2 &&= (A ∩ B)⁻ === A⁻ ∪ B⁻;
say "1st De Morgan is ", $de-Morgan1;
say "2nd De Morgan is ", $de-Morgan2;
my @regex-check = ( /<alnum>/, /<alpha>/, /<punct>/ );
say @regex-check.map: "33af" ~~ *;
# OUTPUT: «(「3」 alnum => 「3」 「a」 alpha => 「a」 Nil)»
cookingclass Cook {
has @.utensils is rw;
has @.cookbooks is rw;
method cook( $food ) { return "Cooking $food"; }
method clean_utensils {
return "Cleaning $_" for @.utensils;
multi method gist(Cook:U:) { '⚗' ~ self.^name ~ '⚗' }
multi method gist(Cook:D:) {
'⚗ Cooks with ' ~ @.utensils.join( " ‣ ") \
~ ' using ' \
~ @.cookbooks.map( "«" ~ * ~ "»").join( " and ") }
my $cook = Cook.new(
utensils => <spoon ladle knife pan>,
cookbooks => ['Cooking for geeks','The French Chef Cookbook']);
say Cook.gist; # OUTPUT: «⚗Cook⚗»
say $cook.gist;
# OUTPUT: «⚗ Cooks with spoon ‣ ladle ‣ knife ‣ pan using
# «Cooking for geeks» and «The French Chef Cookbook»»
say [[1, 2, [3, 4]], [[5, 6, [7, 8]]]].duckmap:
-> $array where .elems == 2 { $array.elems };
# OUTPUT: «[[1 2 2] [5 6 2]]»
=begin code :preamble<class Person {
has Int $.age;
has Str $.name;
method set-name-age( $!name, $!age ) {}
my Person $person .= new;
set-name-age $person: 'jane', 98; # Indirect invocation
=end code
sub thank( *%args) { say "Thanks ", %args }; thank :from('♥')
OUTPUT: «Thanks {from => ♥}»
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