Time Spent

The profiled code ran for {{TotalTime}}ms. Of this, {{GCOverheadTime}}ms were spent on garbage collection (that's {{GCOverheadTimePercent}}%).

The dynamic optimizer was active for {{SpeshTimePercent}}% of the program's run time.

Executing Code
{{ExecutingTimePercent}}% ({{ExecutingTime}}ms)
Garbage Collection
{{GCTimePercent}}% ({{GCTime}}ms)
Dynamic Optimization
{{SpeshTimePercent}}% ({{SpeshTime}}ms)

Call Frames

In total, {{EntriesWithoutInline}} call frames were entered and exited by the profiled code. Inlining eliminated the need to create {{EntriesInline}} call frames (that's {{InlinePercent}}%).

Interpreted Frames
{{InterpFramesPercent}}% ({{InterpFrames}})
Specialized Frames
{{SpeshFramesPercent}}% ({{SpeshFrames}})
JIT-Compiled Frames
{{JITFramesPercent}}% ({{JITFrames}})

Garbage Collection

The profiled code did {{GCRuns}} garbage collections. There were {{FullGCRuns}} full collections involving the entire heap.

The average nursery collection time was {{NurseryAverage}}ms. The average full collection time was {{FullAverage}}ms. On average, {{AverageParticipants}} threads participated in GC.

Dynamic Optimization

Of {{OptimizedFrames}} specialized or JIT-compiled frames, there were {{DeoptOnes}} deoptimizations (that's {{DeoptOnePercent}}% of all optimized frames).

There was no global deoptimization triggered by the profiled code.

There was one global deoptimization triggered by the profiled code.

There were {{DeoptAlls}} global deoptimization triggered by the profiled code.

There was no On Stack Replacement performed while executing the profiled code (normal if the code lacks long-running loops with many iterations).

There was one On Stack Replacement performed while executing the profiled code.

There were {{OSRs}} On Stack Replacements performed while executing the profiled code.

Name Entries Inclusive Time Exclusive Time Interp / Spesh / JIT
{{routine.InclusiveTimePercent}}% ({{routine.InclusiveTime}}ms)
{{routine.ExclusiveTimePercent}}% ({{routine.ExclusiveTime}}ms)

{{Current.name == '' ? '<anon>' : Current.name}}

Calls (Inlined)
{{Entries}} + {{InlineEntries}} ({{InlinePercent}}%)
Interpreted Calls
{{InterpPercent}}% ({{InterpEntries}})
Specialized Calls
{{SpeshPercent}}% ({{SpeshEntries}})
JIT-Compiled Calls
{{JITPercent}}% ({{JITEntries}})
Name Calls Time In Callee Interp / Spesh / JIT Inlined
{{callee.TimePercent}}% ({{callee.Time}}ms)
This code has no callees.
Name Allocations Allocating Routines
Start Time Run Full Time Nursery: Retained / Promoted / Freed
{{gc.StartTime}}ms {{gc.Run}}
{{gc.RetainedKilobytes}}KB / {{gc.PromotedKilobytes}}KB / {{gc.ClearedKilobytes}}KB ... {{gc.Gen2Roots}} gen2 roots


On Stack Replacement detects routines containing hot loops that are being interpreted, and replaces them with specialized or JIT-compiled code.

Routine On Stack Replacements

No OSR was performed during this profile.

Local Deoptimization

Local deoptimization happens when a guard in specialized or JIT-compiled code fails. Since the code was produced assuming the guard would hold, the VM falls back to running the safe, but slower, interpreted code.

Routine Deoptimizations

No local deoptimizations occurred during this profile.

Global Deoptimization

Global deoptimization happens when an event occurs that renders all currently type-specialized or JIT-compiled code on the call stack potentially invalid. Mixins - changing the type of an object in place - are a common reason.

Routine Deoptimizations

No global deoptimizations occurred during this profile.